Skin Health
No matter what your age, taking care of your skin should be a priority! As we age, our skin's ability to keep itself hydrated decreases. Then, add in certain health conditions that may have a negative impact on our skin as well. No bueno!
During certain seasons, you may be more prone to skin problems, all the more reason to take care of your skin cells all year long. In the winter, you’re at risk for dry and itchy skin, psoriasis flare-ups, dermatitis, eczema, etc. And in the summer, you may experience acne, sunburn or irritations.
It’s likely that you moisturize daily, wash your face before bed and applying regular sunscreen, which is wonderful!! (check out Fre Skincare and use MKFIT for discount, amazing face skincare). BUT your diet can contribute to a large part of the health of your skin as well.
Whether it’s wintertime or summertime, these nutrients can keep your skin hydrated and healthy:
1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Because of my thyroid diagnosis, I have upped my fish intake and upped my omega-3 intake. Omega-3s not only help keep your heart healthy, reduce the amount of fat in your blood and lower your blood pressure, the fatty acids can help your skin stay moisturized too! Omega-3s strengthen your skin’s barrier, so it can retain moisture. And the fatty acids also decrease inflammation that may accompany various annoying skin conditions.
>>> What to incorporate: salmon, tuna, chia seeds, walnuts and flaxseeds are great.
2. Vitamin D This is another thing my body was lacking when I got a blood test. Thank you thyroid! It is SO important to take vitamin D supplements or add vitamin-rich foods to your diet! Surprisingly a lot of people are not getting enough of it. It’s especially important to add this vitamin to your winter diet. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and in turn, promotes bone growth. And the sunshine vitamin may improve your immune system, too. For those with eczema, a vitamin D deficiency may mean more breakouts or infections (I can attest to that). Eczema symptoms may be worse in the winter, so it may be helpful to up your intake.
>>> Some good sources of vitamin D include:
Mackerel (so good! I have added this weekly into my diet)
Yogurts, fortified unsweetened coconut milk
Egg yolks (please stop tossing the yellow!)
Still, it’s difficult to get enough vitamin D from food alone. Supplements in liquid or pill form can help, too. If your week is shaping up to be sunny, try stepping outside for 15 minutes a couple times a week.
3. Water H20. Seriously water is my jam. It promotes healthy digestion, increases your energy levels. It’s recommended that most people drink around eight cups of water per day. Water helps your internal organs function and helps your skin stay hydrated. If you’re having trouble getting enough water, try adding fresh lemon or berries for more flavor, or seltzer water.
Xoxo, MK