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Tips For Working Out At Home

It's always a beautiful day to move our bodies!

Although super convenient, especially during these uncertain time, sometimes training at home can be a little challenging because there are so many distractions, and it can be easy to want to give up early or quit; or maybe you don't have access to the same equipment as you would at the gym. Don't fret! Training at home can 100% be just as effective, even with limited equipment. Think positive, training at home can be a great way to get your workout in, without leaving the comfort of your own home!

Whether you're doing a cardio based workout, a strength based workout or something in-between, here are my top tips for training at home.

Remove the distractions. Working out at home is the biggest culprit of one thing - distractions! Whether it be family members, your pets, phone or TV, there are a lot of things that can throw you off track and take you away from your workout. If you get a message or a phone call halfway through your workout and you stop to answer, that is a part of your workout you may be sabotaging. The best thing you can do is remove ALL distractions before you start, so you aren’t even tempted! Set yourself up for success; plan ahead, blast the jams and get moving!

Create your own workout space. This tip is really helpful, especially for those of you who struggle to find the motivation to exercise. Having your own workout space will make it seem official and help you to stick to a good exercise routine. This can be something as simple as laying out a yoga mat near your music speakers, and having all your weights nearby. Make your own gym studio at home, dedicate some space to your workouts.

Make a plan. It can be so easy to waste time when you are in the middle of a home workout when no one is waiting to use the machines after you. This is where time can slip away from us and all of a sudden we have to be somewhere and there goes the workout. My biggest tip for any workout (at home or the gym) is to create a plan. Know what exercises you are doing (how many sets, etc), lay out your equipment and have your clothes ready to go. This will make it so much easier to get into a routine. That's what's so wonderful about the Tone and Sculpt App, I have my Commit Programs ready and waiting for you to take control you your fitness and guide you to creating healthy exercise habits for life!

Remember, it’s all about planning and preparation! If you are organized and ready, you can do anything you put your mind to.

Xoxo, MK

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